Archive for October 27, 2009

Kerry’s Primi Birthday

I completely forgot to put some text to these pictures, dang.
Jared and Kerry, Primi
Jevon, applying lipgloss.
Brad with a sunset backdrop

We went to Primi Piatti at the Waterfront on Saturday night to celebrate Kerry's 26th birthday. I was exhausted and nursed my enormous Strawberry Jam Jar with a scowl on my face. Mm, on that note, the weather is getting decidedly better: the thick curtain of heat has removed itself and I have been woken up for two nights in a row with thunderstorms and enormous rain drops.
Right, so Kerry's thing. Um. There were lots of people, we had lots of food, the bill was short because some random Australian and Pom joined the table and left without considering the included service charge, and there was a great view of the almost-finished stadium mid-sunset. We got Kerry the new Daughtry album as per her wishlist (Door-tree? Daughtry? I don't know what this is. Wikipedia says, 'Daughtry' and 'American Idol Winner' in the same sentence. No wonder it's off my radar.)
Kerry has a lovely friend, Jevon (pronounced 'she-von') who is the lingerie buyer for Truworths. She looked exactly like a lingerie buyer should look, I was delighted. I got an excellent 'Kodak Moment'
of her applying her lip-gloss. Glee. 

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