The End of an Era: High Tea

It's the End of an Era! With only three weeks left, I don't think there'll be much time for High Teas. Boo. But that's all fine; we signed off with a bang today as Wendy and Bekah joined me for the final savoury muffin. Lobke couldn't make it – she had a nightmare student to attend to. (Ahh, final week of term, how I loathe thee!]
High Tea has yet to be photographed so I gave it a quick go. The sign, the coffee, the view, the savoury delights. To all those I leave behind in the Mother City, do treat yourself one morning to their nom noms! I highly recommend their coffee sponge and their chicken pie. Not together, of course, although one after the other is perfectly acceptable. 
It was beastly hot today so we sat outside, and Bekah looked like a genuine nymph against the landscaped background. She thrives in the sun. Wendy and I were near melting point, we briefly considered jumping into the water feature. The purple-rinse ladies wouldn't have been impressed so we held back.
Above, Bekah looking hot against a postcard scene of the High Tea garden, accentuated by her pink tea-cosy. This picture was taken a fraction of a second after she had pulled a 'yeah!' pose with thumbs up – camera wasn't quick enough. Bugger.
Above, the Savoury Muffin. Nom nom. Do you see how they've tricked us into believing that it grows naturally in those delightful terracotta pots? Like nature's gifts, these are.
I've never really noticed that they had a sign before. It's there, if you squint: the white text is against the canvas background. But there's also dainty gold Victoriana lettering in the window, if you were to walk by and doubt the origin of the delicious olfactory sensations. 

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